It’s Not A Virus. It’s A Change.
Before I start — A big thank you to all the people out there helping humanity in whatever form they can. And heartfelt condolences to the families who lost their loved ones.
I never heard of that word earlier and now, I am living that.
As positive I pretend to be, what I know is that this Virus is here to stay. It’s harming all of us and will leave permanent scars on our minds. But don’t feel bad about it. We are going to win this war. There is no choice.
But before that happens, the Virus is going to change a lot of things. In fact, it’s already doing that. Our worldview is shifting.
After just one week of a complete lockdown, what I am noticing is that we all can adapt and we can adapt fast.
Once we all are out from this, once the normal life comes back, you and I will see changes that were not envisioned a couple of months back. But they are arriving, arriving fast and they are going to stay here for long.
A tiny virus has taught us to respect each other. Coming out of our balconies and houses, clapping for our fellow social workers, feeding the needy and showing respect for each other, that’s something we wished for long. Empathy and respect are coming down on humanity in large quantities. And that’s such a welcome change.
People post the COVID-19 era will look at each other with respect. We are going to be humble and gentle towards each other.
Let’s respect this emotion.
Who needs Avengers? We all are going to be the Superheroes of our lives.
New hobbies and passion
You and I are going to discover a new ‘Me’ within ourselves. The forced lockdown is pushing us to adopt a new lifestyle and in the course, the hidden strengths are coming out.
Travel will be passe, new passions will be in. How about traveling the world sitting at home? The virtual travel industry might just find a place in our living rooms.
We are going to commute less. Eating out, partying, and social outing occasions will be lower than ever before.
The virus is changing our deep self. Our deep beliefs.
COVID-19 has hit the reset button!
Organizations assumed WFH will not work. Assumption rebuffed.
Organizations assumed they don’t have the infrastructure to manage. Assumption rebuffed.
Organizations assumed that physical meetings and phone calls bring actions. Assumption rebuffed.
The assumptions have fallen flat on our faces. WFH has brought a new era for millennial employees. The productivity index has shown a tremendous increase. The employees are happy and they are delivering much more.
The workforce will be reduced. Fine. They will find something new.
Skills will be challenged. Fine, they will learn more.
Roles will be redefined. Fine, they will adapt more.
A complete makeover of the way we have worked until now. Get ready guys, welcome to the New World.
Families will become a priority
A new bonding is emerging amongst families and friends. We will be closer to each other ever so before. Relationships will be redefined. Love will get a new meaning. Togetherness, respect, love, emotions, they will fill the gap between us.
Kids will reap the benefits of all this. Shower as much love and care as you can. This lockdown will not last long but the relationships will!
Insurance companies, health industry, and mental health
You and I are afraid for our health, life, and family. We would run behind the best possible insurance plans available in the market.
Respect for doctors, nurses and health care have already gone several notches up.
Governments are going to realign the budgets. From defense to health. Governments will prepare themselves for biological warfare.
Mental health professionals, coaches, helpers will find a lot of interest. Mindfulness is going to become a norm in each of our lives and why not, it has redefined our minds earlier and will do that in the coming future too.
Cleanliness — A new norm
That’s going to be a mandate. No one is going to tolerate a filthy neighborhood anymore. People are going to demand from their governments. Governments are going to demand from their citizens.
Winner will be “Cleanliness”
Winners will be You and I.
A lasting impression and learning for our kids. These moments of togetherness, new games, playtime, affection, joy. It’s going to be with them forever and will completely change their existing world view.
Our kids will grow up with this higher level of realization that humanity can be at risk. The fear that we never faced or always dodged, is now a reality. Our kids will be better ready.
Our kids will grow up into humble beings. Respect towards mother Earth is going to be much larger than what we showed to them.
The coming days are going to be tough on them. These gentle souls are going through tough times. Keep holding their hands. Be gentle. They need more support than you and me.
Many startups will emerge. Especially solutions around home deliveries, bulk buying, health tech, food tech, wellness tech.
Self-health will become a priority. Digital platforms will emerge helping people to become healthy. Wearables will become part of our life. Privacy will become more public. Your health data will go in lots of hands.
A lot of ideas surrounding education will come up. In just a few days, parents have realized the importance of informal education and that’s where technology will play a role.
Humanity will realize that God exists even if we stay home.
Prayers get answered even if they stay home.
Mass prayers, crowding at the religious places will now be seen with a new perspective.
Fear of God will be converted into Faith for God.
Finally, the Earth will breathe again
I can feel that in the chirping of the birds. I can feel that in the coolness of the breeze. I can feel that in the calmness of the clouds. I can feel that in the new colors of the Sun. I can feel that in the silence around me.
My Earth is breathing again!
But there is a worry.
What if nothing happened? What if we are back to normal? Back to unnecessary noise, honking, not respecting the Mother nature? Prioritizing defense instead of health care? What if we still resort to our old means?
Who knows.
My heart goes out to each being who is out in the open, fighting with this Virus. My heart melts looking at the suffering. But I am hopeful for a better future.
I don’ have a choice.
But, I have a choice to change. And I will.
Will you?
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Nishith is a Chartered Accountant by profession. He is a Marathoner, an avid reader, aspiring author, philatelist, phillumenist and a transformation coach. He manages a unique self-transformation platform — “Be Better Bit-By-Bit”. This platform offers daily self-transformation activities and exercises to its members. The philosophy and belief of this platform — “Small and Consistent Improvements”
Follow the platform on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube. Also, do listen to the “Be Better Bit-By-Bit” podcast available on various streaming platforms (Spreaker, Spotify, Google Podcast and Castbox). Drop a message in case you wish to be a part of this unique self-transformation platform.